Saturday, May 17, 2008

"We made out, got drunk, but we didnt have sex."

"It was a physical thing, to me. My heart was all yours."

All this happened just a few weeks before we broke up in January, when I still believed that we were happy together.

"I didnt fuck him. Its up to u to believe it or not. U do what u deem fit ok? Now its my fault, although it was some time ago. U can put e blame on me now."

I knew something was amiss awhile. My 6th sense has never failed me. Was I right to have doubted her fidelity then? You be the judge.

A leopard never changes its spots. Call it karma if you like, maybe this is what I deserved for breaking up so many people in the past.

The ONLY one i loved, the one i was fiercely loyal to, CHEATED on me while we were still together.

When I skip clubbing because I didnt trust myself to behave. She persuaded me not to go cos she was always with friends and was having her GIRLY FUN.

Well, she had fun all right.

She threw herself at a guy, went home with him, made out with him and nearly fucked him.

While I was slaving over schoolwork and was blissfully unaware, thinking that she was being true to me.


And now, when she tells me that she feels uncomfortable when im close to her, when i touch her, my theory has been confirmed.

Of course it feels weird. You fucking made out with a guy while still with me. You WANT him, not me.

and he's rich too! aint that great? After you drained me dry of money meant for my education.


IM still in shock, icy cold fingers are gripping my heart real tight, squeezing harder and harder.


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