Thursday, September 14, 2006

you know sometimes when you're feeling weak

you have faith

then you pray


please give me something to hang on to

something to lean on

days pass



then in the horizon there appears this scene of a beautiful meadow

acrylic flowers blooming

lush, flat green grass

wooden clouds rolling

with this huge two-dimensional oak tree in the middle of the picture.

so you approach it

it just looks like a pretty plywood backdrop to you

but the more weak you are

the more you want to believe that this is ACTUALLY a lush meadow

so you begin by moving closer to the image

seems harmless enough

you touch it

feels harmless enough

you smell it

olfactory goes haywire

acrylic paint smells like fresh flowers

scent makes you woozy

you need a rest

you sit under the oak tree

you can hear the birds chirping away in your head

you think, "Hey, god sent this! cant be all that bad?"

"doesnt he know what's best for me?"

so you lean back against the oak tree

put more weight on it,



the whole backdrop caves in

wood splinters

you fall backwards

jolted awake

you body impaled amongst the splinters

you scream

you try to pull yourself up

but the splinters are driven even deeper into your body

piercing your throat

you cant speak

piercing your lungs

you cant breathe

piercing your heart

you cant love

so as you lay gasping





you gaze at the heavens and say

"hell yeah"

"god sure knows whats best for me"


in everything, give thanks


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